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Terri Davis-Fitzpatrick

Terri Davis-Fitzpatrick is nominated for her contributions to Veterans Voices of Canada, an initiative created to share the stories of real-life heroes from their time with the Canadian forces during the Second World War.

She became involved with the organization in 2016 as the Interview Coordinator. In this role, she has arranged interviews with close to 70 Veterans in Southern Ontario. She searches for Veterans and chats with them either on the phone or in person to explain the purpose and importance of the project. For the interview portion, she scans historical photos, arranges military memorabilia and photographs the interview, while ensuring Veterans and spouses are comfortable. Beyond her regular duties, she frequently makes lunches and writes individual thank-you cards using her own resources.

She is also very involved with the Veterans Voices of Canada—Flags of Remembrance event. Her dedication and professionalism plays a major role in the success of this very important fundraising event.

She has been a part of the Windsor Historical Society since 1998: helping to gather donations and door prizes for events, setting up and running the Veterans Appreciation Day Dinner, as well as organizing and supporting logistics during outreach events.