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Warrant Officer Michael Boudrias (Retired)

Mr. Michael Boudrias has over 33 years of service in the Canadian Armed Forces, retiring at the rank of Warrant Officer.

Since serving, he formed the Meaford Chapter of the Canadian Veterans Freedom Riders Motorcycle Club, for which he was named President. He has grown this club to 23 members, and they have participated in many projects within their community, such as influencing the Mayor of Owen Sound to name a municipal park in honour of Corporal Robert Thomas James Mitchell, and to install a flagpole usable for lowering and raising the flag during ceremonies. They have raised thousands of dollars that have been donated to local organizations who support Veterans, cadets, homeless shelters for Veterans, food banks, and Camp Maple Leaf.

Camp Maple Leaf is a not-for-profit, sleepover camp for children of Canadian military families and children living with unique challenges. Mr. Boudrias has spent countless hours organizing and providing logistical support for Camp Maple Leaf donation events by the Canadian Veterans Freedom Riders Meaford Chapter.

His personal approach to helping his community has prevented Veterans from falling into despair and has helped Veterans in making ends meet. He continues to put time and effort toward ensuring the Canadian Veterans Freedom Rider Motorcycle Club meets its mandate of helping those in need.