Peter Collins

Toronto, Ontario
Peter Collins

Dr. Peter Collins has contributed significantly to the field of Veterans’ mental health and law enforcement crisis intervention. Dr. Collins played a pivotal role in authoring the Military Veterans Wellness Program’s de-escalation and mental health components and has dedicated his career to serving the mental health needs of Veterans through academics and practical service delivery.

Dr. Collins is Staff Forensic Psychiatrist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and an Associate Psychiatrist with the Division of Forensic Psychiatry at the University of Toronto.

As a proud Veteran, Dr. Collins brings a unique perspective to his work. In his capacity as an operational forensic psychiatrist with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), Dr. Collins advises negotiators in effectively communicating with Veterans in crisis. He is sought after on-scene to advise police and communicate with individuals in distress, as well as training officers and nurses with the Mobile Crisis Intervention Teams of the Toronto Police Service. He has trained the Canadian police officers in de-escalation. His work is crucial to the connection of interactions between law enforcement and the Veteran community.

His dedication in the academic realm includes his instruction of crisis negotiator courses and incident commander courses at the Canadian Police College, Ontario Police College, and OPP Academy, focusing on communication strategies with individuals, particularly Veterans, in crisis situations. His efforts ensure that law enforcement personnel are equipped with the skills necessary to handle sensitive situation with care and professionalism.

His work with the Military Veterans Wellness program has helped it become an initiative that addresses Veteran homelessness and mental health, as well as serving as a model for law enforcement agencies in Canada and internationally. Dr. Collins has generously given his time, never seeking any form of compensation or recognition for his efforts.