War Veterans Allowance

Are you having serious financial difficulties because of low or no income? The War Veterans Allowance (WVA) is a tax-free, monthly benefit to help low-income war Veterans and their dependents or their survivors.

About this program

The WVA can help you meet your basic financial needs. It is a tax-free monthly payment which can vary based on your sources of income, marital status and if you have dependents.

If you qualify for this allowance you can also access emergency funding through the Assistance Fund which provides grants of up to $1,000 (per calendar year) to help pay for an unexpected issue that affects your health or safety.

Information for families
Survivors (spouses, common-law partners and dependent children) will continue to receive the WVA after the qualified Veteran has passed away.

Do you qualify?

Eligibility is based on your war-time service, income and Canadian residency.

You must meet the eligibility requirements in each of the following areas:

War-time service

  • A Veteran (including Merchant Navy) or Allied Veteran of the Second World War or the Korean War; and
  • Certain civilians who served in the Second World War.


All applicants must live in Canada at the time of application.

If you are an Allied Veteran you must also have:

  • lived in Canada prior to your enlistment with an Allied Force; or
  • lived in Canada for a total of 10 years (does not have to be consecutive) since your military service.


  • WVA is an income-tested benefit and most regular income must be considered.
  • Income is assessed using the same standard for the Guaranteed Income Supplement, which is based on the Income Tax Act.
  • Annual income exemptions, such as the casual earnings exemption and the interest exemption, are considered at the time of your assessment.

How to apply

Apply online

If you are registered for My VAC Account, you can submit your application for this benefit online. If you aren’t registered, you can register now.

Mail or in person

Download the application form. Then, drop it off at a VAC office. You can also mail your completed form directly to the address listed on the form.

  • Application for War Veterans allowance
  • Allied Veteran application for War Veterans Allowance

Get help with your application

The staff at any VAC office can assist you, or call us at 1-866-522-2122.

Additional information

See the current rates for this program: The amount you receive depends on if you are single, married, and if you have any children. The benefit is also adjusted on a quarterly basis to keep pace with changes in the consumer price index.

Find out more

If you and your spouse/common-law partner are both Veterans or qualified civilians, you should apply individually for the single rate of WVA.


When a recipient dies, their survivor will continue to receive their full allowance amount for one year. In the following year, you will then receive the War Veterans Allowance at the single rate, plus additional amounts for dependents, if you have any.

Related Programs

Assistance Fund: Quick access to funds for urgent needs such as food, shelter or medical expenses.

Treatment benefits: Coverage for medical and health related services.

Long-term Care: Monthly payments to cover the cost of your long-term care.

Veterans Independence Program: Payments for home and health care services that you need to remain independent at home.

Funeral and burial assistance: A reimbursement of costs to ensure Veterans have a dignified funeral and burial.

Frequently asked questions

If I apply for the benefit and get declined, can I appeal?

Yes. If you are not satisfied with a decision, you may apply in writing for a review. Learn more about your review and appeal options.

Is WVA payable outside Canada?

To qualify to receive WVA while you are outside of Canada, you must already be in receipt of WVA, and you must have lived in Canada for a minimum of 12 months. A short absence (e.g., a vacation) typically has no impact. However, if you are planning to be away from Canada for an extended period, please contact us to ensure we can process any changes to your account (e.g., a new mailing address) in a timely manner.

For Allied Veterans:
We cannot provide WVA to you while you are outside of Canada due to legislative restrictions.

If accepted for WVA, will I qualify for any other programs?

Once you qualify for WVA, you may also qualify for other benefits such as the Assistance Fund, Treatment benefits and the Veterans Independence Program (VIP).

Please see the Related Program section for more information.

Where can I find the policies for this program?

Read more about the War Veterans Allowances policies for Veterans.