Mr. Donald Cooper has championed the Juno Beach Centre since the 50th anniversary of D-Day in 1994. His dedication has extended from early fundraising (8 million €) to the design, building and the management of the Centre which opened in 2003. Mr. Cooper was the Vice president of the Juno Beach Centre Association from 2007 to 2012, when he became the president. He has continually demonstrated his outstanding commitment to remembrance and commemoration of Canada’s contributions to the Liberation of France and Europe during the Second World War and ensures that the Centre also tells the story of contemporary Canadian culture and its evolution since 1945 with modern day Veterans legacies.
Mr. Cooper’s personal dedication has made sure that the Juno Beach Centre remains a great symbol of Canadian values and represents the strong relationship between Canada and France. He has ensured that despite COVID, financial challenges and a recent legal dispute with a condominium developer, the Juno Beach Centre has survived and thrived, emerging as one of the most appreciated and recognized museums in Normandy. His recent legal victory will ensure that the Centre enjoys a serene future on lands that will be protected from development and incorporated into the museum’s commemorative efforts and educational mission, of educating youth to learn about the sacrifices and accomplishments of Canada’s service men and women during the Second World War and those who came after them.
Mr. Cooper has devoted his talent, energy and intelligence to the Juno Beach Centre and the Juno Beach Centre Association ensuring that through his leadership, the Juno Beach Centre is recognized as one of the most progressive Second World War museums in Normandy.