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Sendai in the Mine

Heroes Remember

We all named the Japanese by nicknames. When we landed up in Sendai area, that was a coal mine and the man that introduced us, he was a mine manager and he spoke to us to tell us about what we were going to face. Now we did have miners with us from Cape Breton, not very many and from Ontario, coal miners, and he lined up and he said, "Now I don't want you to be scared," through the interpreter, "I don't want you to be scared." And he said, "I worked in the mines thirty years," and he said, "look at me how rugged I am." He had a neck about that big, we nicknamed him "The picture of health." He went and there was a gypsy, and there was some fellows, they were rough fellows, they were rough. To go down in that mine, it was an awful feeling. I'll never forget going into that mine. It's a clammy feeling with a g-string on, nothing hardly on your feet. You had to produce so much coal a day. I'm telling you it was devastating. And medical fields that I don't think that they ever realized how tough that was. I'm saying that because I remember that well. You have no idea how rough that was down in that mine.

Mr Law remembers working in the mine and explains what the conditions were like.

Reginald Law

Reginald Law was born on April 13th, 1920 in Flatland, New Brunswick. His father took sick from his job as a fish warden so Mr. Law was called to work during grade eight to fill in as a fish guide until he joined the army when he was nineteen. He enlisted at Valcartier, Quebec and joined the Royal Rifles of Canada.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
February 10, 1998
Person Interviewed:
Reginald Law
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Royal Rifles of Canada

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